The Mom Moment by Nurtured 9

A glimpse at what we’re gifting Mamas, what’s inspiring us, and more this month!

March 2022


girls night in

"Every couple of weeks, my Mama bestie and I have a girls night at one of our houses with all the staples: face masks, snacks & takeout, pjs, a fancy bottle of wine (or mocktails!) and good (adult) catch up." - Lauryn

flowers just because

"A bright and colorful bouquet of flowers (even though the ground is covered in snow) and a quiet moment to flip through a home catalog. - Lindsey



Spring is Here!

March brings St. Patrick's Day on the 17th and spring arrives on the 20th! (Hopefully that'll mean lots of outdoor baby showers and other festivities.) And of course we are already deep in planning mode for all things Mother's Day, which is coming up on Sunday, May 8!


We ALL need support from other Moms!

Here's your Mom Connection Challenge for the week: Plan your own Moms' night in! Invite a friend or two over while partners watch the kiddos and enjoy grown-up conversations - and hopefully a whole lot of laughs :)


A few of our favorite gifts for new Moms



We asked Caitlin Houston, Life + Style Mommy Blogger from CT (@caitlinhoustonblog),

how she integrates self-care & self-love into her day


“Finding time to show myself some love is hard with a newborn, but here is one way I give myself a hug each day - with music! I have a playlist of feel-good songs from different times in my life and play it whenever I’m cooking, cleaning, driving, or rocking a baby (with AirPods in!).”

“Being a Mama can be tough, but always remember in the eyes of your child, no one

does it better than you.” – Unknown


The Mom Moment by Nurtured 9


The Mom Moment by Nurtured 9