Know Before You Go: Baby Shower Gift Etiquette

You’ve just received an invitation to a baby shower and your mind is swimming with questions. Once you’ve checked your calendar - and possibly considered what you’re going to wear to such an event! - the next phase of your thought process will be all about baby shower gifts. Whether you’re a newbie shower guest or a seasoned vet, choosing the right gift can be a daunting task, leaving you plagued by questions and concerns. 

  • “Should I choose a registry item?” 

  • “I don’t want her to think I’m cheap, how much should I spend?”

  • “There’s nothing fun left on her registry, what should I do?”

  • “I want a fun gift but don’t have the time to shop.”

Don’t stress! No matter your budget, time constraints, or registry concerns, there is a solution that will lead you to a gift you can be proud to give.

Q: what is A Reasonable Amount to Spend on a Baby Shower Gift?

The beauty of baby shower gifts is that they range in price anywhere from a few dollars to a few hundred dollars. Whatever your budget, it’s easy to find a gift to suit it. What to spend usually varies depending on closeness to the expecting couple, averaging between $25 and $250. A distant friend or coworker may fall closer to $25 while a best friend or close relative may receive your max budget. Luckily, regardless of who you’re shopping for, Nurtured 9 carries a wide range of pre-made bundles in all sizes, as well as customizable boxes where you choose the products to meet your needs. All possible without sacrificing style, luxury, or practicality. How cool is that?!

At Nurtured 9, gift-giving has never been easier. Explore our range of diverse and expertly curated occasion boxes for every unique pregnancy journey and to meet any budget.

Mini Gift Boxes

Pregnancy Gift Boxes

New Mom and Postpartum Gift Boxes

customize your own baby shower gift!

Explore ALL the possibilities because they are truly endless and we’ve only scratch the surface. Each box is unique and designed to compliment every pregnancy journey. Which begs the question, why settle for an ordinary gift?

Q: Is it Rude to Arrive Without a Gift? How to Find a Gift Alternative.

As baby showers rose in popularity, gifts were introduced as a gesture to help families cope with a new baby and ease the financial burden on the new parents. Over the years, as baby showers have evolved, so have the expectations associated with gift-giving. While never a requirement, a gift is a beautiful gesture and in recent years, a great opportunity to get a little creative. Why show up empty-handed when a simple, personalized gift from the heart can go a long way? Studies have shown that 62% of Americans prefer to receive a gift from the heart that seems more personal (source: NY Post).

Sometimes, a gift doesn’t even have to be a tangible item. Ever heard the phrase “it takes a village?” What an understatement! When it comes to raising children, caring for babies, maintaining your house, working full time, self-care, and more, it has become a necessity for your mental health to ask for help. We tend to underestimate the gift of time and often forget to check in after baby is born when mom needs friends the most. A simple gift of a home-cooked meal, a date night, house cleaning, or time for simple self-care, can be the difference she needs when hanging on by a thread. So, rather than arriving with nothing, give something as effortless as a voucher promising a service to be cashed in at a time when she needs it most. Easy. Inexpensive. Heartfelt. And absolutely unforgettable.

Q: What is An Appropriate Baby Shower Gift?

A baby shower gift should be as unique as the woman it’s meant for. Consider the type of woman she is, the kind of mom she might be, and what type of pregnancy journey is she on. Does she like to relax? Does she like to be prepared? Does she prioritize style? These simple questions can guide your gifting experience and help you find the most appropriate gift for her. Nurtured 9 helps you answer these questions by providing themed gift boxes for every situation. New mom, gift by trimester, C-section recoveryspa bundles, and so much more.

The type of gift that is appropriate is yours to answer but Nurtured 9 will help you gift wrap it to perfection!


5 Ways to Celebrate a Friend’s Pregnancy News


Practically Perfect Baby Shower Gifts